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7 Favorite Spots In ... Reykjavik

Iceland was my 2nd official bucket list trip; my first was Australia - which will be another post. The trip was special for many reasons, but mainly because it was my first trip with my brother. We had the most amazing time along with two of our friends who were on the trip with us. As usual, I planned the trip based off of a list similar to the one I'm providing to you. I hope it helps and you can explore one of the most incredible countries in the world!


This may be the most incredible site I've ever seen - a plane crashed onto the beach and it has remained in place ever since. All of the passengers survived or else the plane would have most certainly been recovered for an investigation. You will have quite a walk ahead of you from the parking lot - over a mile to the crash site - but its well worth it. You may need to wait some time to get the perfect picture, free of other tourists - but if you're polite and offer to take pictures in exchange for each other it will be your best bet! My brother and I climbed onto the wings for our picture, and he took some cool ones of me inside the plane - which has been gutted except for some wiring and other random inside-a-wall type items. The beach is also stunning with incredible views of the glacier behind - which also makes a wind tunnel over the beach so dress accordingly and definitely wear a hood or a scarf.


We decided to take on an adventure that may be difficult to do anywhere else in the world - snowmobile to the top of a glacier. There are several companies who offer this tour, we decided on ExtremeAdventures, now called Arctic Adventures. It is quite an expeireince, you arrive at a warming cabin. You are provided a full artcic snowsuit, helmet, gloves, and boots. You then all pile into this incredible truck with massive snow tires that takes you halfway up the glacier to the snowmobile holding area. They do a brief runthrough on the machine and the lead tourguide takes off! You follow a trail up to the top where you get to break, take in some absolutely stunning views, and prepare yourself mentally for the adventure of getting back down on that machine. I've been on snowmobiles throughout my life but being the only person and driving, its a whole different kind of expereince, they sway in a way that makes you feel like it could just flip at any moment. Remember, atop a glacier it is extremely windy, so what may look like fluffy snow is actually ice. Tred with caution, or as my friend Mark did, drive so slow that they make you lead the pack as to not be left behind. Such a fun experience, HIGHLY recommend it!


This Lutheran church in the city of Reykjavik is a staple building in Iceland. It is easily spotted from most places in the city and when you venture to the top, it provides incredible views of the colorful rooftops embodying the creative, artistic culture of Iceland. We had every intention to visit, but mores when someone I was with chose to launch their drone (they're not legal in Iceland without registering them, so I would not condone this - but if you're feeling frisky, it captures the most incredible aspects of nature, outside the reach of human touch). We followed the drone throughout the city and ended there. It is a stunning piece of architecture & history and I recommend you visiting it on your day of city-exploring!

***Photos coming soon but here is an example of our walk there!


What list about Iceland would be complete without the coveted Blue Lagoon. It is the most photographed place in Iceland and for good reason, the stunning blue waters appear fake but I assure you, it's really that gorgeous in person. Located on a lava field, this geothermal spa can be enjoyed for an hour or more, you can stay on site in their lavish hotel, purchasing different packages which can include a bathrobe and sandals, an in-water massage, special drinks at the bar and more! The in water massage is unreal as you are literally floating in the lagoon, on a raft, while getting a massage. Silicia and Sulphur are two minerals found in the lagoon which have immense health benefits fo rejuvenation and can even help psoriasis. A silica mud mask station is located in the center the lagoon. Try one and you can enjoy the benefits yourself! Please take the warnings about keeping your hair out of the water seriously, my hair did not feel right for several days. Showering before and after you enjoy the lagoon is a must. I would definitely recommend a waterproof case for your phone if you would like for it to be used on the remainder of your trip!


No matter what you do in Iceland, you MUST explore Ring Road - via a tour/bus or your own rental - and revel in the natural beauty that is difficult to truly put into words. It's majestic, purely & simply put. Some areas are truly untouched by man. We were lucky enough to fly the drone up one of the waterfalls, over the ledge and along the river banks. What was captured on camera was something out of NatGeo mixed with a scene of Bambi come to life. It was unreal, and unlikely humans have ever touched it. Not many places in the world exist with that type of pristine and unscathed soil. There is no litter, there is no pollution; it's a space on Earth that's truely pure. It felt almost as if we were not supposed to see it, as if we broke some sort of rule, a hidden gem that was never supposed to be discovered, but because of technology, we were allowed to explore it through a lens.

A lot of Iceland feels that way, like you're walking beyond the ropes of an amusement park and seeing a ride before it's been opened to the public. Like you're at a movie premiere, when its not actually in theaters for another week and you just can't wait to be able to talk to your friends about the ending...It feels primitive, like you are perhaps the first person to see it. If that makes any type of sense at all.

One of the waterfalls was so clean if it wasn't freezing you could have taken a cup and literally drank right from it. In a photo included below, the way the sunlight hits the ice-covered waters just so, the coloring appears to be filtered, like the movie Frozen came to life. It is a breathtaking space and it is difficult to wrap the wholeness of the moments I experienced there up into a few paragraphs.

Along Ring Road you can pull over at any moment you wish. We pulled over to see what appeared to be wild horses just roaming, we pet a few which was unreal. We went into a cavern that was draped with moss, perhaps it was the home of elves. The plane crash is off of this road as well as too many waterfalls to count from large to small, they're everywhere. If you take the road far enough you'll enter this quaint little town, Vik. There is a church sitting alone atop a hill. It's eerie in its stillness and solitude, but it can be captured from so many angles in so many photos it's fun to see the many different ways a single simple church can look so stunning. My photo is below.

If you continue even further, you'll end up at Glaciar National Park. We didn't make it there; a reason to return! All in all, plan an entire day and an overnight in Vik or at the National Park.


I am obsessed with black sand beaches. I think they're the most stunning natural phenominon. It looks so clean and edgy if you could describe sand using either of those words. Unfortunately it was extremely windy when we arrived and had just started to sprinkle so we didn't get to spend much time there. There are some incredible basalt columns that are the center of native Icelandic folklore stories. There is much to be seen, but make sure to face the waves when you're near the water, as they may appear much smaller than they are.

7. FISKMARKAOURINN ( Fiskmarkaðinn in Icelandic)

One of the best dinner's I've ever had in my enter life, definitely the best I had in Iceland. I tried Whale for the first time, Horse (carpaccio I believe), an insane presentation of dry ice, the dessert platter was a dream, the list goes on and so does the bill haha They offered a tasting menu, I highly recommend sucking it up and spending the money, its WELL worth it! And grab a beer too, they had some great options to try.

Obviously I hated my time in Iceland - sike! Please consider adding Iceland to your bucket list. I promise you, you will leave a better person - it would be nearly impossible not to. Skál!

For the entire photo alum of my trip, click here


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